Din e-mail kommer inte synas på hemsidan, det är för att vi ska ha möjlighet att kunna svara dig direkt. Inlägg som anses stötande eller olämpliga tas bort. Marknadsföring och reklam för produkter och tjänster är inte tillåtet.
Jag kan rekommendera Sollentuna Trafikskola utan tvekan. Min instruktör blev Semir. Han är pedagogisk, lugn och tålig. Väldigt tacksam för alla råd och tips.
Abdi is a great teacher and he helped me a lot to fix my mistakes before the test. I took seven lessons in 2 weeks just to find and fix things that could make me fail test and it worked great. Abdi was encouraging and stayed patient with me. He took me to all the spots in Sollentuna important for the tests. Thanks to him I was able to pass the test in the first attempt.
Son två av tre har nu lyckats med sin utbildning hos er, de är supernöjda, det är vi också😁
It was the correct decision for me to choose Sollentuna trafikskola after I failed my driving test 2 times. Mousa is a really good teacher who gives you confidence, he is very patient and helps you build up the plan step by step to achieve your goals. I learned a lot from him, the most important he encouraged me when I failed my third time and we repeated what mistakes which I have made and learned from that. Really appreciated all the help form Mousa! I highly recommend him!
Highly recommend Sollentuna Trafikskola and Mousa. Prior I took lessons with another school and then I started taking lessons with Mousa. The difference in teaching was huge. Mousa not only helped me focus on minute details, he also explained the reasons behind it. He is quite patient, structured and very professional.
Thank you very much Mousa and Sollentuna Trafikskola ! 👍🏼😊
I had my lessons with Samir and he was so nice and patient with me . Hes a very Good teacher 🤩🤩. Thank you so much Samir. I Highly recommend Sollentuna driving School .
Bästa läraren och skola. Musa hjälpte mig mycket, även det var 5 körlektioner har jag lärt mig mer än 20 lektioner jag gjorde i annan trafikskol. Bästa service från receptionen till läraren.
Best teacher and school. Musa helped me a lot, even it was 5 driving lessons I learned more than 20 lessons I did in other traffic school. Best service from the reception to the teacher.
Jag kan rekommendera Sollentuna Trafikskola utan tvekan. Min instruktör blev Semir. Han är pedagogisk, lugn och tålig. Väldigt tacksam för alla råd och tips.
Abdi is a great teacher and he helped me a lot to fix my mistakes before the test. I took seven lessons in 2 weeks just to find and fix things that could make me fail test and it worked great. Abdi was encouraging and stayed patient with me. He took me to all the spots in Sollentuna important for the tests. Thanks to him I was able to pass the test in the first attempt.
Son två av tre har nu lyckats med sin utbildning hos er, de är supernöjda, det är vi också😁
It was the correct decision for me to choose Sollentuna trafikskola after I failed my driving test 2 times. Mousa is a really good teacher who gives you confidence, he is very patient and helps you build up the plan step by step to achieve your goals. I learned a lot from him, the most important he encouraged me when I failed my third time and we repeated what mistakes which I have made and learned from that. Really appreciated all the help form Mousa! I highly recommend him!
Highly recommend Sollentuna Trafikskola and Mousa. Prior I took lessons with another school and then I started taking lessons with Mousa. The difference in teaching was huge. Mousa not only helped me focus on minute details, he also explained the reasons behind it. He is quite patient, structured and very professional.
Thank you very much Mousa and Sollentuna Trafikskola ! 👍🏼😊
I had my lessons with Samir and he was so nice and patient with me . Hes a very Good teacher 🤩🤩. Thank you so much Samir. I Highly recommend Sollentuna driving School .
Bästa läraren och skola. Musa hjälpte mig mycket, även det var 5 körlektioner har jag lärt mig mer än 20 lektioner jag gjorde i annan trafikskol. Bästa service från receptionen till läraren.
Best teacher and school. Musa helped me a lot, even it was 5 driving lessons I learned more than 20 lessons I did in other traffic school. Best service from the reception to the teacher.
Din e-mail kommer inte synas på hemsidan, det är för att vi ska ha möjlighet att kunna svara dig direkt. Inlägg som anses stötande eller olämpliga tas bort. Marknadsföring och reklam för produkter och tjänster är inte tillåtet.